Mount Murchison State School has been operational since 1935. It has experienced many fluctuations with numbers of students over the years, with the current enrolments standing at 25 students.
Our school is enjoying benefits of the current trend of increasing student enrolments.
We emphatically believe that education is a partnership between teachers, students, parents and the wider community. We build and strengthen partnerships through open, honest and frequent communication. We embrace all opportunities to showcase student learning improvements and achievements as a celebration of both individual and community success. Coupled with a strong ethos of timely communication, this provides a vector to ensure that parents understand what their children know and can do across all areas of learning. We foster and encourage all parents to be involved in the learning journey of their child.
The school is located 8 km out of Biloela on the Gladstone Road.
Our school day begins at 8.30am and finishes at 2.30pm. We have two sports houses – Callide (blue) and Dawson (red).
The school currently has a Teaching Principal, 1 Teacher, 3 Teacher Aides, 1 Administration staff and 1 Cleaner. We have students in every year level, from Prep to Year 6.
Our mission statement is 'Success through Respect'.
Our main rules are: Be Safe; Be Respectful; Be Responsible and Be Caring.
At Murchison State School we strive for success through respect!